In the Spring of 2023, I had the wonderful opportunity to intern at The Home Depot as part of their Orangeworks cohort. I joined the Contact Center Experience (CCX) team and explored the way Home Depot associates use an internal tool called HOME.

Below are some pictures of my time interning at The Home Depot, as well as, captured moments from our Intern Demo Day at The Home Depot HQ!

Some of the cool things I got to do this Spring: 

  • Drafted, led and conducted multiple customer research studies with Home Depot associates.
  • Collaborated closely with various stakeholders across design, research, and product management to deliver valuable qualitative research insights.
  • Proposed a new user flow for a Home Depot internal tool called HOME, effectively and efficiently saving Home Depot associates more time, and allowing them to assist more customers within the hour.
  • Led multiple bi-monthly cross-team retrospectives.
  • And so much more! Shoot me a message on LinkedIn or send me an email if you'd like to hear more about my experience interning at The Home Depot.

A retrospective about my time at AWS:

Interning at Amazon Web Services taught me so much about myself as a designer, how design works at a large scale, and how invaluable listening to customers is. I was amazed at how much I was able to do and how much I was able to impact my team as a UX design intern in the short 12 weeks I spent at AWS. I enjoyed taking ownership of my entire project end-to-end and having the chance to own every design decision I made. My team at AWS rocked, and I can't give thanks enough to the amazing mentorship of my mentor Kevin Hwang, and support of my amazing manager Kristen Dewulf. To you both, thank you for an amazing, challenging, and fruitful summer.

Check back soon for updates on my summer intern project ☻

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